History is a wonderful thing and should be looked at and listened to, but as the recent rumours spread and the salt piles high it seems history will once again repeat itself. Dark Angels will once again get a new codex (or so we are led to believe.) And once again a new edition will come out with a new 'Vanilla' Marine dex not far behind and once again it is assumed that the fallen will be left behind. But then again maybe not, only the future will tell.
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The Average Gamer

Monday, 20 February 2012
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Aaaah Bisto!
As I find myself getting longer in the tooth, I find that my gaming habits are tending towards what I can only define as a midlife crisis. We all suffer from nostalgia every now and then and we will always remember our first love. But to me these two things have decided to combine forces in a single massive assault.
Now many people of a certain age will constantly moan at the rest of us about the 'Golden Age' of 40K. They go on about how much better Rogue Trader and Second Edition were. There are of course wrong as the overly complex rules have been improved and simplified into the game we now know. However I can understand how they feel as I find my self returning to my start point. I seem to regularly pick out my old codices looking through them dreaming wistfully of armies I have owned or have always wanted, and this is where the attack came. The usual drunken stupid idea creeps into the mind, books and miniatures are bought in secret. The heart races and the pulse quickens as you realise the Wife will come home first and find that dirty little secret lying in the letterbox and before you can spell divorce courts you have all the old Codices that were ever printed and more little soldiers than you could ever field. Of course Crooked Dice 'Time Lift Security Detachment' would make great commissars, wouldn't they?
Anything to justify the end result. But what is the end result? What you don't know? Oh well it's all gravy
Now many people of a certain age will constantly moan at the rest of us about the 'Golden Age' of 40K. They go on about how much better Rogue Trader and Second Edition were. There are of course wrong as the overly complex rules have been improved and simplified into the game we now know. However I can understand how they feel as I find my self returning to my start point. I seem to regularly pick out my old codices looking through them dreaming wistfully of armies I have owned or have always wanted, and this is where the attack came. The usual drunken stupid idea creeps into the mind, books and miniatures are bought in secret. The heart races and the pulse quickens as you realise the Wife will come home first and find that dirty little secret lying in the letterbox and before you can spell divorce courts you have all the old Codices that were ever printed and more little soldiers than you could ever field. Of course Crooked Dice 'Time Lift Security Detachment' would make great commissars, wouldn't they?
Anything to justify the end result. But what is the end result? What you don't know? Oh well it's all gravy
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
A New Love
As predicted I have fallen in love with the new shiny thing, Gripping Beasts Saga rules have really floated my boat. Historic wargaming has always fascinated me, yet the large amount of figures and the overly complicated rulesets always put me off. Now howevwer I have a skirmish based wargame allowing me to best the Dark Ages best heros against each other.......
On that note anyone want to buy a job lot of Space Marines lol =)
On that note anyone want to buy a job lot of Space Marines lol =)
Monday, 5 September 2011
Out With The Old In With The New
So four months without posting anything is a long time, yet in this time my gaming life has completely changed. Following various items issuing from GW I have completely given up on wargaming, I haven't played a game since February, I have also slowed down on my purchases, yet despite all this I do find that the mountain of lead doesn't get any smaller, I seem to have purchased vast quantities of USMC and the Third Reich are threatening to takeover my painting table. Perhaps I should have blogged this all sooner but like being caught in the doldrums, it has taken a while for my mind to reach normality and realise there is more to life than toy soldiers, yet maybe a break is all I needed as last weekend I played a game of WHFB and it was like slipping on a pair of comfortable slippers. Yet I am aware of its overwhelming power, to drag you in and suck the life out of you, its ability to sacrifice you on the altar of the Dice God. Perhaps now I stand stronger, or perhaps not, I am aware that the next big thing will undoubtedly draw me in. I WILL fall in love with a new army or new system, and yet a sense of calm settles over me as I realise that I am not alone. There are thousands like me across the globe and like me they I will just have to shoulder the burden.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
To Beer or not to Beer
Now most gamers will freely admit to beer being a large part of their gaming experience, but how much of it? Is it limited to a few drinks between games or do you ritually have a beer with every game? Or does it go further, do you go for a 'session' with the lads afterwards? I know I fall in the latter category, my clubmates would probably say I even go above and beyond that, however that's another story. Lately however recently I have found that it maybe effecting my homelife side of the hobby. Now I would be the first to admit I suffer from that awful disease known as 'shiny thing syndrome' I am not alone in this I know but how many of you find that it's effects magnify when you have a drink or two on a Saturday night? The Sunday morning is like the proverbial walk of shame, you come down the stairs head pounding and all you can think is 'what the fuck did I buy/bid on last night.' or is it worse than that, do you suddenly have models turn up in the post you have no recollection of buying? No oh well it must just be me. Anyway it's all good until my darling wife looks at the bank statement.
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Location:My Ma's
Friday, 20 May 2011
Why do the Dice Gods hate me?
So I played my brother in law again, now he has a limited amount of eldar so I changed the points limit to 750. Guess what I lost again. Now don't get me wrong I'm not moaning about it, it really was a great game a real close match at times. My two terminator squads chewed through three of his five units. I even thought things were going my way when he fluffed most of his 'to hit' rolls in the shooting phases but it wasn't to be. Now a fellow club mate described me on a public forum as the unluckiest man alive, however I'm not sure if this is exactly true. Maybe there is some sort of divine being who watches over all the dice being rolled, but how do I appease him? Is he a loving God who reacts to dice being treated with love and kindness? Or his he a vengeful God who thrives on acts of violence? Should I carry out a ritual sacrifice before each game and slaughter a single D6. Hmmmm that would be an interesting conversation before each game.
Opponent: Why do you have that hammer?
Me: Oh I am going to carry out a sacrifice before we start.
Opponent: Really in that case I forfeit.
Me: Awesome I win.
Now perhaps that is the way forward. :)
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Sunday, 1 May 2011
Funhammer the Sequel
So I went to my brother in laws for another game of 40k, however this time I upped the points limit to 1500 as it was just the two of us. Big mistake...... To paraphrase Darth Vader the pupil has become the master. Perhaps it is my fault, the first rule of combat is never under estimate your enemy, yet I took a soft list. I may as well have taken a knife to a gunfight. That and the dice gods turned there back on me yet again. (Damn you, you fiends.) Anyways back to the game, it was Seize ground with three objectives and the standard twelve inch deployment. As for lists I took
5 man Scout squad, Heavy Bolter, 3 Sniper rifles
Two Terminator Squads with Assault Cannons
Dreadnought MultiMelta, Droppod
Two Devastator squads with 4 Missile Launchers
Predator Las-Cannon Sponsoons
Landspeeder Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon
Like I said a soft list.
Now my oppo took an unexpected foot slogging Eldar list, which had a liitle bit of everything.
Farseer and Warlocks
3 units of Pathfinders (God I hate these when they have a 2 up cover save.)
5 Fire dragins with an Exarch
5 Banshees with an Exarch
5 Dark Reapers with an Exarch and Maugen Ra
Wraith lord
there were various liitle extras for each unit and I hate them all equally :) Now as far as an actual battle report goes that is still beyond me, I still get to involved in the game to take down notes, but the things that stick in my mind are the failure of my Ternies and Dreadnought to come down till turn four, and Pathfinders that would not DIE.........................
Oh well s**t happens, next time I will take a harder list. The gloves are well and truly off.
5 man Scout squad, Heavy Bolter, 3 Sniper rifles
Two Terminator Squads with Assault Cannons
Dreadnought MultiMelta, Droppod
Two Devastator squads with 4 Missile Launchers
Predator Las-Cannon Sponsoons
Landspeeder Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon
Like I said a soft list.
Now my oppo took an unexpected foot slogging Eldar list, which had a liitle bit of everything.
Farseer and Warlocks
3 units of Pathfinders (God I hate these when they have a 2 up cover save.)
5 Fire dragins with an Exarch
5 Banshees with an Exarch
5 Dark Reapers with an Exarch and Maugen Ra
Wraith lord
there were various liitle extras for each unit and I hate them all equally :) Now as far as an actual battle report goes that is still beyond me, I still get to involved in the game to take down notes, but the things that stick in my mind are the failure of my Ternies and Dreadnought to come down till turn four, and Pathfinders that would not DIE.........................
Oh well s**t happens, next time I will take a harder list. The gloves are well and truly off.
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